Why is everyone turning into a troll during the lockdown

So the yesterday I posted a photo that I had gone for a walk with my family to the beach. It’s a very short drive away and at the time I was legally allowed to do this and travel for exercise and we were also picking up my prescription which we had to travel in car for. We did not choose to go anywhere there where people and went to a old bit of a beach we know nobody goes. We would of gone to my local meadows for a walk buy the place is beginning to get busy as people discover it on a walk. They’ve had to close the car park to stop people visiting in groups. When we went we saw nobody and it was safer then walking around our neighbourhood. I have always gone to the beach when struggling with my mental health as it feels like a little holiday, a bit of paradise. Because I posted this everyone jumped on me and some people getting pretty personal which was very unneeded. Obviously I’d of deserved it if I had gone to a busy beach but I did not. And if I came into contact with any people which I did not. It really effected my severely down mood and made me feel horrendous and now because of this I’ll be scared to leave for groceries, exercise or for medical reasons because I fear I shouldn’t. Even though everyone else is going to jump down my throat again.

It’s really hard being stuck inside and I hadn’t took Elijah for a walk in over a week so we decided to go to the abandoned beach so we could get some pebbles for further stay home play too. I’ve noticed since I’ve been out people are turning quite vile on social media. Constantly telling people how to live their lives and that they can’t go out yet they’re doing what they legally can within restrictions. If the government doesn’t want people out full stop then they should stop allowing people out for excercise atall.

People are becoming quite personal and it’s breaking friendships apart. At the end of the day I followed government advise so my conscience is clear. I haven’t been out except for a walk or emergency food/medical runs . If people aren’t fair enough but people will always not listen. People will always fight the crowd. There is no reason to get yourself concerned and if your concerned contact the police. They can enforce the law not you.

Sitting behind a keyboard and spreading nothing but hate isn’t good for you or anyone else. Not just about the lockdown I’m seeing people judge parenting, appearances, houses and daily life. People are pulling apart people’s personalities at a time we should be lifting everyone up not down. I know a lot of trolling comes from peoples previous pain and is used as a outlet. Also a lot of people are scared and have had enough of being inside. But please don’t share hate it does nothing but cause upset and turns you bitter. Remember everyone is struggling right now. Everyone. Spread kindness not hate. Your comments may be seen you you as helpful and righteous but you never know the full story behind the person or their actions.

Why do people troll?

Long story short the other night I was trolled for the first time on my blog it made me feel terrible. I was called deluded, a bad mum, boring and told I should stop blogging and go back to my family and hand full of friends spouting my inane thoughts. I don’t understand why people feel the need to beat someone down. I was told I used vulgar language when I checked my blog doubting myself and nothing was vulgar. I was told I’d sworn and made up facts and again I hadn’t and double checked my self over and over. It made me feel horrid and now I am doubting my parenting and if I’m even this good person that I’m trying to become?

So why do people troll? I think a lot of it is people are angry at the world and they don’t know why. They need a way to let the anger out so they decide to make others feel how they do by spreading hate. They can hide behind a keyboard anonymously where they are safe. I understand the need the need to vent but I just wish people could just do it at home or within therapy not becoming toxic people upsetting others. I know trolls want a arguement and it fuels their anger and sadness but can they not start a arguement with the person that causes their problems? Sometimes you have to take a step back and think do I need to comment that? Will it upset someone? Do I want to upset someone? Do I need to be anonymous because I’m half way to trolling if I have nothing nice to say?

Instead of trolling if you’ve experienced yourself being unkind to others perhaps find a other outlet. Practise mindfulness, mediation and anxiety relieving exercises. Write your thoughts in a diary or try therapy. Think about the person you want to be not the person you are becoming. Try and share love instead of hate. Let’s try and make the world a better place. Let’s not make people feel terrible about themselves because you’ve judged them on their few words they’ve put online. If you think something is wrong educate someone in a polite way not in a horrid way. Remember others are struggling behind closed doors and you may make that worse. Be kind to one another and share love not pain. If you need to vent your pain I am more than happy to hear from you in my mail box.