Keeping your bedroom a relaxing place

Daily distractions can get in the way of sleep so it’s best to keep your room a calm and relaxing space. It’s quite easy to keep your bedroom your zen zone and somewhere you enjoy crawling into after a long day.

First of all you want to decorate it how you like. You don’t want it over cluttered with art work and colours but a little bit here and there to make it your safe space is what you need. Black out curtains really help to keep the room both warm and dark so that streetlights and sunlight doesn’t disturb your slumber. Do you have a white noise box? No need plug in a Alexa or a google home and request sleep sounds and you’ll be golden for a calming ambience. Pillow sprays are a great way to uplift your mood and calm you down. The same way as essential oils in a diffuser can help calm the room. Mood lighting is great so a few led candles and fairy lights can make the world of difference from a bright light. Is your pillow comfortable? Do you need to change it for something more comfy and is your duvet warm enough or do you need a thicker/lighter one. Is your bedding soft or is it scratchy? The way you wash and dry your sheets can have a big effect on your comfort. I find the best way is to dry my bedding on a door frame overnight so the smell stays, it doesn’t go stiff from the outside and feels soft.

What are you doing when you go to sleep? Are you scrolling through Facebook looking at memes in bed for hours? Are you listening to pop music before getting your zees? You need to keep your bedroom your calm room. Somewhere for sleep. If you’re in bed the only reading you should do should be a book. And the only music should be calming if anything atall. You want to calm yourself for bed not hype yourself up. Are you watching tv in bed every night and then struggling to sleep, turn your tv and try to keep it to downstairs. The odd film in bed here or there doesn’t hurt but getting into a habit of technology in the bedroom before bed can really make your brain go into overdrive before bed.

Are you relaxed? Have you had a night time routine of self care? Be it a bath or washing your face and taking your time to carry out your skin care routine before bed. Are you taking your time going to bed and going at a similar time each night? Going to bed at the same night I very night can really help your brain to know when it’s time to nod of and routine is key. Try to make a list of things causing you anxiety before bed and act on it in the morning so you don’t go to bed with a big todo list and stress for the next day.

Your room should be your zen palace and somewhere you only sleep or sometimes chill in. Remember sometimes if you suffer insomnia these things work but not always from one insomniac to another anything is worth the try right? Enjoy your room, enjoy your sleep and enjoy your life!

A bit of self indulgent shopping can be therapeutic!

In a bid to try and relax I went to catch up with a old friend and ended up splurging a little too much in town but who cares. Retail therapy is good for the soul sometimes! There’s nothing better than looking around shops choosing what you like and don’t and trying something new.

So today I brought my usual indulgement which is my shampoo and conditioner from the body shop. I love this range and it REALLY has made a difference to my hair it’s thicker and less greasy and smells great. It’s also softer and I could even say perhaps even a little less frizzy! I also buy the garnier ultimate blends masks in banana and coconut and shear and mix them up so I don’t get bored and hair feels so clean and bouncy when I have used it. It’s a little more pricey than a bottle of Asda’s own head and shoulders but I love the stuff! While in body shop I got carried away and brought a strawberry gift set on sale for myself and have already used 3 of the items and smell glorious!

A trip to boots where I probably should be banned from was next. I always end up buying a ridiculous amount of make up or skincare from there and guess what today was the skincare day. My most recent buy of some natural face scrub had been scratching my skin so I needed to buy something a bit better. I brought an old favourite I hadn’t used since perhaps high school so I thought I’d give the range ago again so I brought their grapefruit daily face scrub and their face wash from the same range. I also got their spot defence toner for when my toner runs out which is imminent (not really it’s full). I also saw two face peel masks on sale so I obviously had too buy two. Obviously.

After I’d come home we popped to shops to collect Elijahs Halloween costume we’d ordered in so required me buying chocolate and some new pjs. They’re very cosy and required me to pamper myself in bath using my new products and use some body lotion I found at the back of my cupboard that I’d cleared to make way for more crap I really didn’t need.

It definitely makes me feel better when I’ve brought new things and I get excited to try them so whenever I feel down I buy myself a little something. From a Fredo at the corner shop to a new outfit it can make you feel good and excited to use what you’ve brought!