Why you should always try to be romantic with your other half

It’s Valentine’s Day soon approaching everything will be about love and showing your other half you love them. While you should show your partner you love them everyday it is nice to spend Valentine’s Day sharing love with the whole world.

Sometimes we forget how important it is to show our other half how much we love them. It doesn’t always have to be something extravagant but something little. It can be a compliment. You can just say you look good today or something like that. You can pick up their favourite chocolate from the corner shop or get a extra cake from bakery. You can leave messages in their work bag every now and then to surprise them or a post it on their desk. You can plan a date night or make a lovely home cooked meal or order in their favourite takeaway. You can let them choose a film or series every now and then or even let them play a game while you sit next to them doing something you enjoy too. You can send text messages every now and then to ask how they are and how their day is going, sometimes this means more than anything. Telling your partner and showing your partner just how much you love them is so important and is something we would all love back. Shower each other with love because that’s what you both deserve.

It’s good to get away

Being a parent it’s okay to get away sometimes. To have some me time every now and then as a couple. We went to London to see a show for my birthday and was the furthest we’ve been away from him. A whole two hours. Compared to the most of half hour it felt a bit odd. But it also felt like freedom. It felt like a bit of our old life, the parts I miss such as adventure. Not that we cannot adventure now we have a child but we are more hindered in activity’s and distance and time. For example there’s only so long his little legs will walk before he’s tired and needs a carry while out for a country side walk.

It’s good to dust of the cobwebs and have the freedom to have some us/me time. To see a show or just walk around somewhere you don’t have to knock someone with a buggy out the way. Where time constraints aren’t hindering your fun and you can just relax on the day. It’s important for relationships to try and have we time then all of us time. So nobody feels neglected and to always remember you’re still a couple too, you’re not just parents and you both want dates and adult conversations. You both need a break together sometimes not just one of you but both of you. Sometimes we forget our partners need time of and that they also miss you too.

Although being a family is one of the best things and a beautiful experience sometimes it is good to get away and enjoy things again as a two some and return to family life and enjoy it that little but more having time away.