Jaques of London toy review

Disclaimer: these items where gifted in exchange for review. Opinions are my own.

As you’ve probably seen we’ve worked with Jaques before a few times reviewing their lovely games. We absolutely love the quality of their wooden games and their games that can be handed down from generation to generation. We love the quality and they make the perfect gift for children as they can learn through play. Wooden toys mean more imagination then plastic (and a little bit of quiet).

With Elijah growing older I wanted to select some more mature items so I picked their abacus and their let’s play deluxe score 4.

The abacus is used to help with counting and maths which will be helpful for years to come with homework and just practicing our numbers and maths. We’ve used it to count to 100. To add and take away numbers to ten and to count forwards and backwards from 0-20. These are great for teaching the times tables too as you can grab how many you want to times and count them and visualise your maths which is helpful for all ages needing too visualise their maths.

The colours and quality are great the neutral counters means it can go nicely in a room without sticking out too much. The colours are great as you can tell which numbers your counting and move in groups of ten if you need too to do ten times tables.

If you’d like to shop this product click the link here- https://www.jaqueslondon.co.uk/products/luxury-abacus?_pos=1&_sid=7afbfddd0&_ss=r

As always they’re packaging is beautiful and makes the perfect gift without a need to reward before giving to someone else. The boxes fit the product perfectly as well so they take up less space on your games cupboard.

Secondly we choose the lets play deluxe score 4 which is fantastic as is travel size. The counters are a good size so that it works your fine motor skills as you grab them and drop them in your selected Column hole. The aim of this game is to get four counters in a row horizontally, diagonally or vertically. The winner is whoever who has the first four. As you can tell Elijah likes to cheat a little and continue a game or try to steal my counters back. Elijah and I really enjoyed this games and it’s so compact it’s travel friendly and could take for days out or holidays.

If you’d like to shop this game press then link here – https://www.jaqueslondon.co.uk/products/lets-play-deluxe-score-4

Jaques sell lots of games, puzzles and more and are fantastic educational toys. You can shop the rest of the range here- https://www.jaqueslondon.co.uk/collections/educational-toys-for-toddlers

As always Thank-you for reading and I hope you’ve enjoyed!

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