Review of caleo wax melts!

(Gifted) I was very kindly sent some wax melts to review because as you know I am clearly the candle connoisseur. I think it’s clearly something I need to put on my CV. I absolutely adore candles my house is filled with them and I dare you to come into my house and find a empty table or work space without some sort of candle related item.

I also love wax melts. Why you may ask? Well storage! although candles look cute they take up so much room. I’d rather fill my little box up with goodies then have nowhere to eat my dinner because my obsessions taken over. Also any of my friends reading this. Please stop telling me when candles or melts are on deal as we all know I’m soooo going to panic buy.

So first up we’ve got the presentation. Yes the product is the most important thing but I think the way you present your products is important too. If something is sent looking like a gift I 100 percent love it more. The box was very lovingly wrapped up in tissue paper with stickers. I also got a hand written note and sweet too. Instead of a buisnesses card it was lovely sticker which explained how to burn them to get the best out of the product.

Fun fact I have only once ever had a perfume scented wax melt from another company!Wild right! Because that scent wasn’t the strongest it kind of put me of perfume scents for a while so I was sceptical about how the products would smell and if they would keep there scent! But from just opening this box I new from the smells it was going to be good!

The wax melts come in either an adorable heart shape or in a block with squares. The squares are beautifully coloured and have lots of glitter inside to make it feel that bit more special. Inside the packets we have the little wax melts which come with the most pretty little hearts which have little tangs of different colours in. I love these because they are so space saving and I don’t have to worry about storage!

So let’s dive into each melt as I review them!

So first up we have pomegranate black. This smells quite like a fruity plum mix almost like a fizzy drink with the smell of some sort of wood mix. It smells really, really good and like a fragrance i would like to wear.

Next is lenor golden orchid obviously made to replicate the scent of lenor products. It smells very sweet and like vanilla it’s a nice soft a delicate smell!

Next we have purple rain. And yes I sign it like Prince every time I read it. Now it’s in your head and I’m not even sorry! This smells like the cocktail. The similarity is uncanny and it’s making me miss sitting in a pub garden with my friends a little tipsy of our cocktails at spoons.

Bon bons is up next. This scent is quite obviously based on the perfume bonbon. It smells quite uncanny and I love the scent. It’s made me want to go out and buy the perfume to wear it! This is a fruity sweet scent.

Next we have daisy again inspired by the daisy perfume. This is a soft flowery smell and smelly much like the perfume! look at how beautifully presented this is with all the glitter and the packaging!

La vie is last with obviously being somewhat a dupe of the Lancôme la vie. It has a vanilla, fruit and floral concoction to it which smells Devine!Very similar to the perfume if not stronger!! I love the glitter and little ribbon sequins inside!

The burn time is long and the scent fills my whole house. I will defiantly be buying again! a very firm favourite in this house now even my husband and son are interested and my 2 year old says it smells nice!

All of these stunning wax melts are very affordable. They won’t break the bank so you can get lots. The bars are around £2.30 and the heart melts around 2.99! Absolute bargain considering the quality of the products! You can also buy a single sample for only 50p which is great if you like me are fussy about your smell choice! They even do customised wax melts which could perhaps spell your name. They even sells burners, diffusers, sprays and carpet freshness so go and check them out!

To shop her glorious products go to

Also follow her on Instagram here! –

Remember to shop small and support a little buisness! Thanks Charlie aka candle connoisseur x

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