Let’s normalise face masks

Well there is a sentence i never thought i would say. Following on from recent government advice to wear face coverings where social distancing may not be possible for example in hospitals, shops and public transport i have decided to wear face masks. Obviously they are not overly protective they protect you better than nothing at all. Also we wear the face masks not to only protect ourselves but others. Wearing a mask can prevent your droplets escaping into the air around us as much and protects the general public if we where carriers of the virus and had no idea.

I am not seeing enough people wearing them in public and when i see others that do people just stare almost as though they think they look stupid. There is nothing stupid about trying to safeguard your health and others around you. The issue is however people who wear them in a car by themselves, on a walk or wear the medical grade filtered ones that the nhs so desperately need.

I advice you to buy or try to make your own face mask. There are instructions on how to make one online and many small businesses make handmaid ones. However do not buy the proper medical grades ones that medical professional needs. Your risk of getting the virus is low when out and about socially distancing but a nhs staff member touching covid patients requires it far more. Lets support others who wears a mask and wear one when we need to for the safety of us and others. This is especially important now that lock down is slowly being lifted.

Stay safe charlie x

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